Saturday, February 5, 2011

Delevan Drive's 4th Annual Try-A-Thon

Our 4th Annual Try-A-Thon was Friday, February 4, 2011. This fund raiser is to provide us an extra field trip. All of the proceeds will go our school.
Our first activity was basketball. We practiced dribbling and shooting lay-ups and free throws. Our coaches were Mr. & Mrs. Tse and Mr. & Mrs. Qua. Our second activity was calisthenics. We stretched, did sit-ups and went through the monkey bars. Our coach was Mr. Hamet. Our final activity was yoga. We cooled down, we took deep breaths and stretched. We tried to calm down, balance, and practiced being still like a tree. We curved our back like a cat. We made a v-formation, and we let out our "Lion" through our breath. Our coach was Mrs. Sood-Mankar. THANK YOU COACHES for your time, talent, and dedication!

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