Monday, January 23, 2012

Student of the Week for the Week of January 23, 2012

Congratulations to our Student of the Week. She has been safe, respectful and responsible. She plays carefully in and out of the classroom. She follows all directions, the first time given by any of her teachers. She is a proactive learner. She knows what to do and takes care of her needs. She does all of her work and finishes them on time. Keep up the super work!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Student of the Week for the Week of January 16, 2012

Congratulations to our Student of the Week. He has been safe, respectful and responsible. He's a kind friend to all. He listens to all of his teachers. He follows directions the first time they are given. He looks, listens, and does his work. He finishes all of his work and turns them in on time. He volunteers and makes great contributions in our class discussions. Keep up the awesome job!

Friday, January 13, 2012

December Student of the Month

Congratulations to our December Student of the Month. He has been safe, responsible and respectful. He plays safely in and out of the classroom. He pays attention and is on task. He is an independent learner. He contributes valuable answers, comments, and questions during our class discussions. He does well in all subject areas. He has been a kind friend and a respectful student. He follows directions the first time they are given. Keep up the AWESOME JOB!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Student of the Week for the week of January 9, 2012

Congratulations to our Student of the Week. She has been safe, responsible and respectful. She has been a kind friend and hard worker. She comes to school everyday, on time, and ready to learn. She is focused and stays on task. She tries to do all assignments and finish on time. She is so dedicated to school that she came and stayed in school the day after the hard Santa Ana Winds hit. That day she did all of her work, writing, reading, and math, despite the lack of electricity and rattled nerves. Keep up the GREAT WORK!