Thursday, August 30, 2012

Music Class

Music class with Ms. Johnson.  We reviewed counting beats and rests, reading notes, and worked on the notes so and mi.  We learned two new songs, each having something to do about the sea and sailing.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dance Class

Dance class with Mrs. Frauchiger.  We traveled then froze into a statue all within the count of 16.  We used high, medium, and low levels.  We took turns leaping over our partner.  We used scarves to dance in place as well as travel.  We have a dance journal where we enter what we learned after each lesson.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Student of the Week for the week of August 27, 2012

Congratulations to our Student of the Week, she is an excellent student.  She excels in the three A's, Attendance, Attitude and Academic.  Her attendance is awesome.  She comes to school everyday, on time, with all of her materials (homework and food), and is ready to learn.  Her attitude is remarkable.  She is very kind to her peers and teachers.  Her Academic performance is stellar.  She looks, listens, follows all directions the first time they are given, is proactive, and takes responsibility for her own learning.  Keep up the super hard work!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Student of the Week for the Week of August 14, 2012

Congratulations to our first Student of the Week!  He is a model student.  He is safe, he is kind to his peers, and follows class and yard rules.  He is respectful, he follows directions the first time they are given.  He is responsible, he comes to school everyday, on time, and is ready to learn.  He listens to the teacher, looks at what is being taught, and contributes to class discussions.  He takes pride in his work, he writes neatly and makes sure he reads and follows all directions on his paper.  Keep up the awesome and hard work!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Welcome 2nd Graders - Class of 2012-2013!

Welcome Second Graders - Class of 2012-2013!  Class, you are in for a great year.  The PTA, Teachers and Student Council have planned a fun-filled and academically enriched year.  Make sure you come to school everyday so you don't miss-out on any of the events!